
Ordering Info

To see my post about the cookies I have to offer, click here. I am beginning to get busy, so book early!

Dates I am booked and/or unavailable:
July 8th & 9th --------- July 11th & 12th
July 22nd-Aug. 5th ----August 8th-13th
August 17th & 18th ----August 21st & 22nd

To order, contact me at - confectionsofanaggie "at" gmail "dot" com

April 14, 2012


Friday night, I hosted my Bunco group.  I decided to make dice cookies, and these were by far the easiest I've done.  It took me half the time it usually does. They still were not as perfect as I would have liked though (as usual), but only having one shape and 2 colors made things go soooo much faster! Everyone loved them (or at least pretended too - ha!).

These next ones are not cookies, but I had fun making them, so I wanted to share a photo or two as well :)

They are crescent rolls colored with food coloring and filled with chicken salad.  If you are interested in making them yourself, you can find the instructions here.  They were so fun!

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