
Ordering Info

To see my post about the cookies I have to offer, click here. I am beginning to get busy, so book early!

Dates I am booked and/or unavailable:
July 8th & 9th --------- July 11th & 12th
July 22nd-Aug. 5th ----August 8th-13th
August 17th & 18th ----August 21st & 22nd

To order, contact me at - confectionsofanaggie "at" gmail "dot" com

April 29, 2012

Flags and Flowers

A friend of mine asked if I could make some cookies for some friends of hers that were moving to Italy.  Lucky for me, the Italian flag is just 3 big stripes, so I was able to make these cute flags!  Of course, none of my cookies are as perfect as I'd like them to be, but I thought they turned out pretty good :)

Last week, I made some flower cookies for a friend in my women's bible study group.  She is in need of a double lung transplant, and we held a bake sale to help raise some of the funds needed.  She is only 25 and has a 2 year old son that she is unable to be with most of the time due to her condition and I know she misses him dearly.  Please keep her in your prayers!

After I posted those pictures on FB one of my friends from teaching wanted some, so I got to make some more! She originally bought them to give to various people, but when she picked them up, said things had changed and these will be benefiting a friend of theirs that is raising funds for medical expenses as well.  Hopefully they sell and are a help to him and his family!

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