
Ordering Info

To see my post about the cookies I have to offer, click here. I am beginning to get busy, so book early!

Dates I am booked and/or unavailable:
July 8th & 9th --------- July 11th & 12th
July 22nd-Aug. 5th ----August 8th-13th
August 17th & 18th ----August 21st & 22nd

To order, contact me at - confectionsofanaggie "at" gmail "dot" com

May 15, 2012

Cookies for Sale :)

So I've been very vague about selling my cookies on here because I was still researching the legality of it.  I'm typically a rule follower, but I also really wanted to be able to make cookies for friends and family even though I didn't know the rules yet (I had sold a few prior to knowing that I wasn't breaking any laws).  But, good news - it was all ok! One of the cookie blogs I read is actually a girl in Texas (about my same age too!) and I stumbled upon a post of hers that made me feel 1000 times better about a cookie "business."  I really LOVE making these cookies, but in the end, had I discovered it was not legal, I would have stopped selling them.  I'm a rule follower at heart, even though I started without technically knowing the rules.

But, lucky for you, Texas is smart and made it legal to sell baked goods out of a person's home kitchen.  Basically, in September of last year (yep - last year, had I discovered this talent sooner, I wouldn't have been able to do much about it) a law was passed allowing people to sell baked goods from their home without having to use a commercial/health department inspected kitchen.  Previously, a kitchen couldn't be approved if was part of someone's living quarters, so no matter how clean you could get it, a home kitchen would never pass.  But, Senate Bill 81 allowed for baked goods to be produced and sold from a person's home and not be subject to the Health Department.  It doesn't mean I won't handle your cookies carefully & safely, it just means that I can do it from my home rather than having to rent a commercial space.  If you are interested in more info on this, visit here.

Interested in some cookies from me?  Well here is what I offer...

Mini (approx. 1 in) - one shape, one design, up to 3 colors – minimum 3 dz per order (example)
Regular (approx. 2.5-3.5 in) - one shape, one design, up to 3 colors – minimum 1 dz per order (example)
Large (approx. 4-5 in) - one shape, one design, up to 3 colors – minimum 1 dz per order (example)

Regular  Specialty - regular size, 1 specialty design, +3 colors  – minimum 1 dz per order (example)
Large Specialty - large size, 1 specialty design, +3 colors  – minimum 1 dz per order (example)

Assorted - regular size, 2-3 designs, 3+ colors - minimum 2 dz per order (example)

You can also add individual treat bags and ribbon for an additional cost per cookie. (example)

Currently I am not listing my pricing as that is technically something I'm still working out.  If you do contact me, I do have current pricing for all of these, but it will likely be going up soon as there are costs to me that I didn't take into account and the amount of hours I spend to make them is quite high.  So, if you want them super cheap (for the cookie market anyway) then order soon!  Cookies that I have found online through websites & Etsy range from 2.50-7.50 a cookie depending on size, design, etc.  My prices are below this and will continue to be below or towards the lowest end of cookie prices, even if/when I need to raise them.

I also would like to recommend that you contact me earlier than later if you want cookies.  I typically need at least a week's notice, but more is always better.  My main job is still my family and they come first.  I can only accept, at max, a few orders per week.  As much as I love making these cookies, I love my son & my hubby more.  I need to make sure that I am still able to properly love & care for them and if I'm getting no sleep, that can be very difficult ;-)

Should you be interested, my email is located on the bar to the right.  You can request something I've already done, or I'm always open to trying new things :)  I have some of my cookie cutters pictured here, but have added quite a few since I posted that.  I'm also open to purchasing cookie cutters for specific requests, depending on the cost and what the order is.

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