
Ordering Info

To see my post about the cookies I have to offer, click here. I am beginning to get busy, so book early!

Dates I am booked and/or unavailable:
July 8th & 9th --------- July 11th & 12th
July 22nd-Aug. 5th ----August 8th-13th
August 17th & 18th ----August 21st & 22nd

To order, contact me at - confectionsofanaggie "at" gmail "dot" com

July 13, 2012

Ordering & Pricing

I am currently offering a vanilla/almond flavor shortbread cookie (shortbread and sugar cookies are very similar, but I consider my recipe more of a shortbread recipe).  For most sizes, I require a 1 dozen minimum (some are more), however, once you've purchased the minimum, you don't have to order by the dozen (for example - I can do 15 if that is what you want)  More details about my cookies can be found here.

For 3/8-1/2 inch shortbread cookies decorated with royal icing, here are my prices...

Please note these are my typical prices for the different types of cookies I offer.  However, some designs may be much more difficult/time consuming and may require an additional cost.  You will be notified ahead of time if the design desired requires an extra cost.  White is considered in the color count, so please keep that in mind when choosing your cookie/color scheme.

Mini (approx. 1 in) - one shape, one design, up to 3 colors – minimum 3 dz per order (example) --- $5 per dozen

(approx 2-2.5 in) - one shape, one design, up to 3 colors – minimum 1 dz per order (example) --- $1.75 each

Regular (approx. 3-3.5 in) - one shape, one design, up to 3 colors – minimum 1 dz per order (
example) --- $2.00 each 

Large (approx. 4-5 in) - one shape, one design, up to 3 colors – minimum 1 dz per order (example) --- $2.50 each

Specialty cookies are cookies that require more colors, more detail/time to create, and possibly extras such as sanding sugar (also known as sprinkles).

Regular Specialty - regular size, 1 specialty design, up to 5 colors  – minimum 1 dz per order (example) --- $2.50

Large Specialty
- large size, 1 specialty design, up to 5 colors  – minimum 1 dz per order (currently no example) --- $3.00

Assorted - regular size, 2-3 shapes/designs (max of 1 specialty design), up to 5 colors - minimum 2 dz per order (
example) - $2.50

Treat Bags - Add individual treat bags and ribbon (you can specify color, or I can choose one I feel coordinates) for .40 per cookie (example).  For mini cookies it will be .40 per bag and you can specify how many cookies you want in each bag.

Additional colors can be added to the design for 25 cents per cookie. (Example - this would be 3.50 because it's a large specialty cookie with 7 colors)

If what you want is not described here, please contact me with your thoughts and I can give you a quote.  Keep in mind, the more shapes/designs, colors, and details you want will increase the cost of the cookies.

Orders over $60 may require payment or a deposit at least 3 days prior to the pick-up/delivery date.  You will be notified upon your order if this is required.

Orders are typically picked up as the law requires that the transaction of money happen at my home (This website has information about the cottage food law should you be interested & question 16 has the info about deliveries).  However, I do have delivery options available should you prefer that.  In order for me to deliver, you must bring the payment here ahead of time, or mail the payment to me.  For deliveries, payment must be received at least 3 days prior to the delivery date.  My delivery fee is 30 cents per mile.  That includes mileage to your location and back to my home.  Mileage will be calculated using Google maps entering both my address and yours.  I will choose the shortest mileage option since it often gives multiple routes.  Other charges could apply should they need to be delivered during peak hours, if I have to go through toll booths, etc.  You will be notified ahead of time if there is an additional charge.

Now that you've had the information overload, are you still interested in ordering cookies?  If so, I'd be happy to make some for you!  Please send me an email - confectionsofanaggie "at" gmail "dot" com.  When you email me, please include the date you need them, whether you will pick them up or need delivery, the size/shape/design you are interested in (I can help with this if you don't know what you want - just give me some details about the occasion), and how many cookies you will need.  Also, if you don't already know me, please include how you found me :)  Feel free to browse the cookies I've made, and let me know if any of my previous designs interest you.  I'm also very open to trying new designs, so feel free to send me a link and/or picture of a design you have seen that you would like and I would be happy to let you know if I am able to do it or something similar.  Thanks!

I also would like to recommend that you contact me earlier than later if you want cookies.  I typically need at least a week's notice, but more is always better.  Check the top of my blog of dates that I am already booked and/or unavailable.  My main job is still my family and they come first.  I can only accept a few orders per week.  As much as I love making these cookies, I love my son & my hubby more.  I need to make sure that I am still able to properly love & care for them and if I'm getting no sleep, that can be very difficult ;-) 

I currently do not ship, but will be working on that and hope to offer that at some point in the future.

Note: My cookies are made in my home kitchen.  I work very hard to ensure that your cookies are made in a clean environment and are handled safely.  This is legal via Texas Senate Bill 81.  If you have any questions or concerns abut this, please feel free to email me :)

Prices - Finally!

I've finally come to a decision on prices.  I've mentioned before that it's been a long hard process and I've really struggled with it because I want to stay as cheap as possible.  While they aren't super expensive to make, they are VERY time consuming and time is very valuable (especially when you have a busy 19 month old to chase after - ha!).  Most of my orders typically take anywhere from 5 hours to 8 depending on the amount/complexity of the design (and some have even been in the double digits for hours).  That's not even taking into account any sort of planning, research on the design, shopping for ingredients/supplies, cleanup, etc.  Most of my friends/family know I am a cheap person, which means I wouldn't want to pay a ton for cookies, so I have kept them as cheap as I possibly feel I can to make it worth the time away from my family & other responsibilities.

Right now, all I am offering is my vanilla/almond flavor sugar/shortbread cookie.  I do have plans for more cookies, cupcakes, and maybe some other treats in the future, but for now, my shortbread is all I am offering pricing for.  However, if you do want something else, contact me and I'll see what I can do to work with you :)

These prices will go into effect for all orders placed on/after August 1st, so if you want my cheap prices, order now.  If you've already set a date with me, even if that date is after August 1st, you are still receiving the old rates I quoted you.

Click here to see new the prices.

**And as a special thanks to those that have already purchased/ordered from me, I have a special "thank you" offer for you.  For your next TWO orders, you get the same price you paid the first time (or if you want a different size than what you ordered the first time, I'll give you my previous price for that as well).  I would not be doing what I am doing right now if it was not for your support, so thank you for purchasing cookies from me!!** 

Ps.  I will be hopefully updating the blog with pics of the past few orders I've had, but in case you haven't seen them already on FB - here is my new Facebook page -

July 8, 2012

House Cookies

A couple weekends ago we went to visit my brother-in-law & sister-in-law in Austin.  They recently purchased their first home, and I had yet to visit it.  I wanted to take them some "congrats on your new home" cookies, so this is what I came up with.


Teddy is their new puppy and Aurora is their kitty.  I couldn't leave them out even though they did not get to enjoy eating them :)

These were really fun to make and would be great for a housewarming or to welcome a new neighbor.

Bridal Shower Cookies

I am so behind on updating.  So sorry I've neglected my blog!

In June, I had the privilege of making some pretty wedding cookies for a bridal shower.  This was my biggest order so far - 3 dozen!  I will always love all things related to weddings, so it was definitely fun to make some pretty cake & dress cookies.  I got my inspiration for these cookies here.

As usual, I notice all the imperfections in my cookies, but everyone else seemed to love them, which I'm very thankful for!  I guess I tend to talk about my flaws because I don't want anyone to think that I'm some sort of pro at this when I'm really just a beginner.  I know I'm hard on myself, but I do also realize I'm just starting out at this and over time I will continue to improve.  I definitely think I've improved greatly since my very first batch in February.

Anyway, on to the pictures, which I know is what everyone cares most about :)  Well, that and tasting them, but unfortunately, they haven't invented a way to taste things through the internet ;-)

I have at least 3 more batches of cookies to post, and I'll also be doing a post about pricing soon.  I know it will make it much easier if I have all of my pricing in one place so people can decide what options they'd like.  However, I'm really struggling over that post.  I've always hated dealing with money, especially when it comes to accepting money from other people (and most especially friends and family!).  Unfortunately, when I do post prices, they will be more than what I am currently charging.  I hate that I have to raise them, but there is just a lot of time that goes into these and when I originally came up with prices, I really didn't factor all of my costs into it.  Anyway, I really hate that I have to do it, but I just feel that the time it takes me away from my family responsibilities is worth more than what I'm charging right now.  I hope this does not deter anyone.  I will still be below or at least towards the bottom of the prices in the cookie market.