
Ordering Info

To see my post about the cookies I have to offer, click here. I am beginning to get busy, so book early!

Dates I am booked and/or unavailable:
July 8th & 9th --------- July 11th & 12th
July 22nd-Aug. 5th ----August 8th-13th
August 17th & 18th ----August 21st & 22nd

To order, contact me at - confectionsofanaggie "at" gmail "dot" com

July 13, 2012

Ordering & Pricing

I am currently offering a vanilla/almond flavor shortbread cookie (shortbread and sugar cookies are very similar, but I consider my recipe more of a shortbread recipe).  For most sizes, I require a 1 dozen minimum (some are more), however, once you've purchased the minimum, you don't have to order by the dozen (for example - I can do 15 if that is what you want)  More details about my cookies can be found here.

For 3/8-1/2 inch shortbread cookies decorated with royal icing, here are my prices...

Please note these are my typical prices for the different types of cookies I offer.  However, some designs may be much more difficult/time consuming and may require an additional cost.  You will be notified ahead of time if the design desired requires an extra cost.  White is considered in the color count, so please keep that in mind when choosing your cookie/color scheme.

Mini (approx. 1 in) - one shape, one design, up to 3 colors – minimum 3 dz per order (example) --- $5 per dozen

(approx 2-2.5 in) - one shape, one design, up to 3 colors – minimum 1 dz per order (example) --- $1.75 each

Regular (approx. 3-3.5 in) - one shape, one design, up to 3 colors – minimum 1 dz per order (
example) --- $2.00 each 

Large (approx. 4-5 in) - one shape, one design, up to 3 colors – minimum 1 dz per order (example) --- $2.50 each

Specialty cookies are cookies that require more colors, more detail/time to create, and possibly extras such as sanding sugar (also known as sprinkles).

Regular Specialty - regular size, 1 specialty design, up to 5 colors  – minimum 1 dz per order (example) --- $2.50

Large Specialty
- large size, 1 specialty design, up to 5 colors  – minimum 1 dz per order (currently no example) --- $3.00

Assorted - regular size, 2-3 shapes/designs (max of 1 specialty design), up to 5 colors - minimum 2 dz per order (
example) - $2.50

Treat Bags - Add individual treat bags and ribbon (you can specify color, or I can choose one I feel coordinates) for .40 per cookie (example).  For mini cookies it will be .40 per bag and you can specify how many cookies you want in each bag.

Additional colors can be added to the design for 25 cents per cookie. (Example - this would be 3.50 because it's a large specialty cookie with 7 colors)

If what you want is not described here, please contact me with your thoughts and I can give you a quote.  Keep in mind, the more shapes/designs, colors, and details you want will increase the cost of the cookies.

Orders over $60 may require payment or a deposit at least 3 days prior to the pick-up/delivery date.  You will be notified upon your order if this is required.

Orders are typically picked up as the law requires that the transaction of money happen at my home (This website has information about the cottage food law should you be interested & question 16 has the info about deliveries).  However, I do have delivery options available should you prefer that.  In order for me to deliver, you must bring the payment here ahead of time, or mail the payment to me.  For deliveries, payment must be received at least 3 days prior to the delivery date.  My delivery fee is 30 cents per mile.  That includes mileage to your location and back to my home.  Mileage will be calculated using Google maps entering both my address and yours.  I will choose the shortest mileage option since it often gives multiple routes.  Other charges could apply should they need to be delivered during peak hours, if I have to go through toll booths, etc.  You will be notified ahead of time if there is an additional charge.

Now that you've had the information overload, are you still interested in ordering cookies?  If so, I'd be happy to make some for you!  Please send me an email - confectionsofanaggie "at" gmail "dot" com.  When you email me, please include the date you need them, whether you will pick them up or need delivery, the size/shape/design you are interested in (I can help with this if you don't know what you want - just give me some details about the occasion), and how many cookies you will need.  Also, if you don't already know me, please include how you found me :)  Feel free to browse the cookies I've made, and let me know if any of my previous designs interest you.  I'm also very open to trying new designs, so feel free to send me a link and/or picture of a design you have seen that you would like and I would be happy to let you know if I am able to do it or something similar.  Thanks!

I also would like to recommend that you contact me earlier than later if you want cookies.  I typically need at least a week's notice, but more is always better.  Check the top of my blog of dates that I am already booked and/or unavailable.  My main job is still my family and they come first.  I can only accept a few orders per week.  As much as I love making these cookies, I love my son & my hubby more.  I need to make sure that I am still able to properly love & care for them and if I'm getting no sleep, that can be very difficult ;-) 

I currently do not ship, but will be working on that and hope to offer that at some point in the future.

Note: My cookies are made in my home kitchen.  I work very hard to ensure that your cookies are made in a clean environment and are handled safely.  This is legal via Texas Senate Bill 81.  If you have any questions or concerns abut this, please feel free to email me :)

Prices - Finally!

I've finally come to a decision on prices.  I've mentioned before that it's been a long hard process and I've really struggled with it because I want to stay as cheap as possible.  While they aren't super expensive to make, they are VERY time consuming and time is very valuable (especially when you have a busy 19 month old to chase after - ha!).  Most of my orders typically take anywhere from 5 hours to 8 depending on the amount/complexity of the design (and some have even been in the double digits for hours).  That's not even taking into account any sort of planning, research on the design, shopping for ingredients/supplies, cleanup, etc.  Most of my friends/family know I am a cheap person, which means I wouldn't want to pay a ton for cookies, so I have kept them as cheap as I possibly feel I can to make it worth the time away from my family & other responsibilities.

Right now, all I am offering is my vanilla/almond flavor sugar/shortbread cookie.  I do have plans for more cookies, cupcakes, and maybe some other treats in the future, but for now, my shortbread is all I am offering pricing for.  However, if you do want something else, contact me and I'll see what I can do to work with you :)

These prices will go into effect for all orders placed on/after August 1st, so if you want my cheap prices, order now.  If you've already set a date with me, even if that date is after August 1st, you are still receiving the old rates I quoted you.

Click here to see new the prices.

**And as a special thanks to those that have already purchased/ordered from me, I have a special "thank you" offer for you.  For your next TWO orders, you get the same price you paid the first time (or if you want a different size than what you ordered the first time, I'll give you my previous price for that as well).  I would not be doing what I am doing right now if it was not for your support, so thank you for purchasing cookies from me!!** 

Ps.  I will be hopefully updating the blog with pics of the past few orders I've had, but in case you haven't seen them already on FB - here is my new Facebook page -

July 8, 2012

House Cookies

A couple weekends ago we went to visit my brother-in-law & sister-in-law in Austin.  They recently purchased their first home, and I had yet to visit it.  I wanted to take them some "congrats on your new home" cookies, so this is what I came up with.


Teddy is their new puppy and Aurora is their kitty.  I couldn't leave them out even though they did not get to enjoy eating them :)

These were really fun to make and would be great for a housewarming or to welcome a new neighbor.

Bridal Shower Cookies

I am so behind on updating.  So sorry I've neglected my blog!

In June, I had the privilege of making some pretty wedding cookies for a bridal shower.  This was my biggest order so far - 3 dozen!  I will always love all things related to weddings, so it was definitely fun to make some pretty cake & dress cookies.  I got my inspiration for these cookies here.

As usual, I notice all the imperfections in my cookies, but everyone else seemed to love them, which I'm very thankful for!  I guess I tend to talk about my flaws because I don't want anyone to think that I'm some sort of pro at this when I'm really just a beginner.  I know I'm hard on myself, but I do also realize I'm just starting out at this and over time I will continue to improve.  I definitely think I've improved greatly since my very first batch in February.

Anyway, on to the pictures, which I know is what everyone cares most about :)  Well, that and tasting them, but unfortunately, they haven't invented a way to taste things through the internet ;-)

I have at least 3 more batches of cookies to post, and I'll also be doing a post about pricing soon.  I know it will make it much easier if I have all of my pricing in one place so people can decide what options they'd like.  However, I'm really struggling over that post.  I've always hated dealing with money, especially when it comes to accepting money from other people (and most especially friends and family!).  Unfortunately, when I do post prices, they will be more than what I am currently charging.  I hate that I have to raise them, but there is just a lot of time that goes into these and when I originally came up with prices, I really didn't factor all of my costs into it.  Anyway, I really hate that I have to do it, but I just feel that the time it takes me away from my family responsibilities is worth more than what I'm charging right now.  I hope this does not deter anyone.  I will still be below or at least towards the bottom of the prices in the cookie market.

June 30, 2012

Just for fun...

So my hubby & I both now have "creative" hobbies.  He's actually had his for a couple years now.  In this post you are going to see just how big of nerds we both are :)  I thought it would be fun for our two hobbies to cross paths...

Now was that hilarious or what?!?  Maybe I'm the only one that thinks it's hilarious.  I was CRACKING UP at myself when I came up with the idea.  I thought for sure my hubby would feel the same way.  I was wrong.  Please tell me I'm not the only one that finds this funny.  It was only mildly humorous to him much to my disappointment.  Please side with me!  Then I can tell him he was wrong, and that it is really funny, and that I can actually be the funny one for once :)  Plus, I like being right ;-)

In case you are wondering how a war figurine is his creative hobby, let me tell you (and if you're not wondering, I'm going to tell you anyway :-p).  He actually builds them (the guys come in pieces) and paints them.  Ever little teeny tiny detail.  It's crazy in my opinion (but I guess not crazier than spending 8+ hours on cookies - ha!).  He then uses these guys to play a game with his friends.  He's a big nerd - his friends are big nerds.  I'm sure one day my son will be a big nerd just like his Daddy, but I wouldn't have it any other way.  I love it :)

Ok, that's all.  Over & out.

June 5, 2012

Big News!!

So a while back, I asked my friends on Facebook to help me come up with a name for my cookies & other possible treats I might like to make/sell.  I then sent the name and a few ideas to my awesome bro-in-law who is an awesome graphic designer (or something along those lines - I don't know his official title).  He then took my ideas, added some of his own, and created this masterpiece...
Isn't it awesome?  I think so!

I love blues and purples, so even though my blog is Aggie themed (and I LOVE my Aggies), I didn't want to make my "business" all about that.  I didn't want my Longhorn friends and family to think they couldn't order from me ;-)  I am still going to keep my blog as is, because I really like the name, and my blog is just a way for me to showcase my work, and share what I'm doing/learning/etc.  I might at some point make a Facebook page with my new name though :)

Also, don't you love the name?  I love it, too!  I have always loved Mary Poppins, and thought the name was so cute and perfect.  My friend that I just made through MOPS this year, Marie, is the one that came up with it.  I still owe her some cookies for the idea, so Marie, if you're reading this, let me know if you need/want some :)

Well, I just might not be able to sleep tonight...I'm super excited about this!  I'm thinking business cards are next :)

This is still so crazy to me though...I never in a million years would have guessed I'd be doing this right now in my life.  Not 6 months ago did I even know how to do this.  It's still small and I want it that way because my family is my priority, but it's so fun.  I'm so thrilled to continue working on this, not only because it's a nice little bonus for our family, but also because I love making cookies and wouldn't get to do it as often, or learn as much if I wasn't selling them.

Thanks for all of your encouragement, support, and orders!  You guys are the reason I'm doing this and that makes you the best!!


June 4, 2012

Research and Development

What do you think of these cookies?

What? They're just balloons, you say? and you've already seen me do balloons?  Well, look closer...

No, the cookies aren't super burnt...they're CHOCOLATE. Yep, you read that right!  Yum!

I've been wanting to try these for quite a while now, but have been busy with either a sick kiddo or orders.  I finally had some time this past weekend.  They turned out pretty good, but because I like to do a thicker cookie, I had to adjust the baking time and I think I baked them a little too long.  I didn't bake the whole batch, so I'm going to play with the baking time some more to hopefully get it right.  I also didn't like it paired with my usual icing.  I typically flavor it with almond, and for some reason I just didn't care for it.  I think I'll try it with vanilla another time (I still have the almond icing, so I'm going to use it on the rest of this batch, but the next chocolate batch, I definitely want to try vanilla).

What else have I been up to?  Well, let's just say, I made I big mistake on my next project...

I've been wanting to do some cupcakes for a while, and came up with what I thought would be a cute design.  Then I finally decided to make some.  I love cream cheese icing, so I thought I'd make that for my cupcakes.  BAD CHOICE!  I really should have known better too, but I let my love of it cloud my judgement.  Anyway, the icing is way too soft and my design did not turn out at all like I wanted.  I then tried a different icing tip, it too was a disaster (although I tried to cover it up with the Aggie block letter aTm), so I settled on the traditional tip which worked well enough, but was still a little melty.  Oh well!

I wasn't even going to photograph them because I thought they were so bad, but then decided I at least needed proof that I attempted something.  I will be attempting some again at some point with a traditional buttercream and hopefully I will have better results :)

The ones on the bottom right are the ones I was really wanting to attempt.  I wanted to make a flower design, and the petals were just running together a little too much for my liking.

Oh and one more thing.  I realized with my last post, that I didn't post the pictures of some cookies that I did just for fun with leftover dough/icing.  I had recently purchased a dog bone and was really wanting to use it, and the colors I had were perfect for it.  I also decided to attempt a zebra print.  It was ok, but I think I need more practice with it.  It's also not on a white background because I didn't have any white that I could use, so I just used the khaki.  Anyway, here's a pic...


June 1, 2012

Pugs, Minis (not the cars :-p) and Coming Soon...

I got another order a couple weeks ago, and this one was probably one of the more difficult designs I've done, but still so fun.  A former coworker/friend ordered some pug cookies to send to her daughter for her daughter's birthday.  There weren't a whole lot of pug cookie pictures on the internet for me to get ideas and to help me with the perfect design.  I found a couple and they gave me some ideas, but they still weren't as awesome as I was wanting.  I did come up with a little tweak (added some pug rolls on the back) to help make it look a little more realistic, but after completing them, I think I would do it differently next time.  I outlined first, then flooded*, but I think it would possibly look better to flood first, then do the outlining after.  And I think I figured out a little bit better way to draw/outline the rolls.

Anyway, for a first attempt, I think they turned out pretty cute. However, the lighting was not great as I had to take them in the morning.  I'm learning that morning time is not the best time for photos, but that's usually the only opportunity I have to photograph them without the possibly of a sweet little one destroying them and before they are picked up/delivered.

I've been wanting to do some mini cookies for a while.  I don't have a lot of mini cutters yet though, but these cookies are super fun to eat because you feel like you can eat more without feeling so guilty :)  I had been wanting to take some cookies up to my former school ever since I learned how to make them, however, every time I thought maybe I could do it, Logan would get sick and/or I would get an order (and let's face it - paid jobs will generally beat free ones).  But, I finally made it on the teachers' last day of school!!  I hope they were enjoyed :)

They are also fun to decorate.  I only used two colors and did wet on wet icing designs for the squares and that made it go very quickly (no drying time between colors)! 1am/2am bed time for me with those - ha!  Yay!

Coming soon........some exciting updates to what I have to offer!!!!! Hopefully you'll get an update with pictures after this weekend.  They are already in process and I hope they turn out great so I can post about them :)

Happy weekend!  And happy summer to all my teacher friends!! :)

*flooding is what filling in with a thinner icing is called in the cookie decorating world.


May 18, 2012

More Cookie Details

So I realized that I haven't even mentioned much about what the cookies taste like and other specifics, so I'm going to share that with you now :)  Isn't that nice of me?  I thought so :)

The cookies I currently make are what I would consider a shortbread cookie.  From what I've researched, sugar cookies and shortbread cookies are very similar, but I feel my recipe falls more in line with a shortbread cookie (lots of butter - yum!).  They are quite delicious!  I use both almond and vanilla extracts in my cookies.  This however, can be customized for you should you prefer something like lemon, strawberry, peppermint or really any other extract available at the store.

They are decorated with a royal icing that is flavored with almond extract.  This can be somewhat customized as well.  However, due to the nature of the icing, it can only be flavored with an extract that does not contain oil.  I currently don't know what those are, but should you be interested in something else, let me know and I'll find out :)

If you have any sort of food allergies, these cookies likely aren't for you.  They contain wheat, milk, and eggs.  They are also produced in a "facility" (aka my home kitchen), that may also have peanuts, peanut butter or other various nuts around if you are highly sensitive to those.

I prefer thicker cookies, so my cookies are about 3/8 - 1/2 inch thick.  However, should you prefer a thinner cookie (such as 1/4 in.) I would be happy to do that for you, just let me know when you contact me.

I have also found a chocolate cookie recipe that I really want to try.  I just haven't had the time yet.  Hopefully, in the near future, you will have another option from me :)

Let me know if you have any other questions about my cookies :)  My email is located on the bar to the right.

Happy Friday!! :)


May 15, 2012

Cookies for Sale :)

So I've been very vague about selling my cookies on here because I was still researching the legality of it.  I'm typically a rule follower, but I also really wanted to be able to make cookies for friends and family even though I didn't know the rules yet (I had sold a few prior to knowing that I wasn't breaking any laws).  But, good news - it was all ok! One of the cookie blogs I read is actually a girl in Texas (about my same age too!) and I stumbled upon a post of hers that made me feel 1000 times better about a cookie "business."  I really LOVE making these cookies, but in the end, had I discovered it was not legal, I would have stopped selling them.  I'm a rule follower at heart, even though I started without technically knowing the rules.

But, lucky for you, Texas is smart and made it legal to sell baked goods out of a person's home kitchen.  Basically, in September of last year (yep - last year, had I discovered this talent sooner, I wouldn't have been able to do much about it) a law was passed allowing people to sell baked goods from their home without having to use a commercial/health department inspected kitchen.  Previously, a kitchen couldn't be approved if was part of someone's living quarters, so no matter how clean you could get it, a home kitchen would never pass.  But, Senate Bill 81 allowed for baked goods to be produced and sold from a person's home and not be subject to the Health Department.  It doesn't mean I won't handle your cookies carefully & safely, it just means that I can do it from my home rather than having to rent a commercial space.  If you are interested in more info on this, visit here.

Interested in some cookies from me?  Well here is what I offer...

Mini (approx. 1 in) - one shape, one design, up to 3 colors – minimum 3 dz per order (example)
Regular (approx. 2.5-3.5 in) - one shape, one design, up to 3 colors – minimum 1 dz per order (example)
Large (approx. 4-5 in) - one shape, one design, up to 3 colors – minimum 1 dz per order (example)

Regular  Specialty - regular size, 1 specialty design, +3 colors  – minimum 1 dz per order (example)
Large Specialty - large size, 1 specialty design, +3 colors  – minimum 1 dz per order (example)

Assorted - regular size, 2-3 designs, 3+ colors - minimum 2 dz per order (example)

You can also add individual treat bags and ribbon for an additional cost per cookie. (example)

Currently I am not listing my pricing as that is technically something I'm still working out.  If you do contact me, I do have current pricing for all of these, but it will likely be going up soon as there are costs to me that I didn't take into account and the amount of hours I spend to make them is quite high.  So, if you want them super cheap (for the cookie market anyway) then order soon!  Cookies that I have found online through websites & Etsy range from 2.50-7.50 a cookie depending on size, design, etc.  My prices are below this and will continue to be below or towards the lowest end of cookie prices, even if/when I need to raise them.

I also would like to recommend that you contact me earlier than later if you want cookies.  I typically need at least a week's notice, but more is always better.  My main job is still my family and they come first.  I can only accept, at max, a few orders per week.  As much as I love making these cookies, I love my son & my hubby more.  I need to make sure that I am still able to properly love & care for them and if I'm getting no sleep, that can be very difficult ;-)

Should you be interested, my email is located on the bar to the right.  You can request something I've already done, or I'm always open to trying new things :)  I have some of my cookie cutters pictured here, but have added quite a few since I posted that.  I'm also open to purchasing cookie cutters for specific requests, depending on the cost and what the order is.

May 13, 2012


So I had a little extra dough leftover and I was really wanting to try some new designs/techniques I had seen online, so I decided to bake what was left and give a few things a try.  I'm so glad I did!  It was so fun and even though they all didn't turn out as well as I would have liked, I've learned from it and know that the next time I make the, it will go much better :)

 For this one, I outlined and drew a heart in the middle then sprinkled what the cookie world calls "sanding sugar" (aka sprinkles) on the icing while it was still wet.  Once that dried, I filled the rest in with pink icing.  Wasn't too hard or too terribly time consuming.  I like that!

 I saw these, and decided I had to give my own version a try.  This one was a frustration from the start, but I think it was because I was using the wrong tip & wrong consistence, so next time, it should go better.  In the end, it didn't turn out too badly.  It does take quite a bit of time though because you need drying time between each layer.

 This one I actually found a tutorial on Sweet Sugarbelle (awesome cookie blog btw), and thank goodness I did!  I'm not sure I could have done it without it.  I definitely need more practice, and my icing consistency wasn't quite right, but it was still fun!  Another very time consuming one though.  Also not sure I could do a large batch of these as my hand was starting to get tired after just two!

This one was pretty simple as well, and not too terribly time consuming.  There is a long wait time though before you can do the flower, but may use another technique I've learned to shorten that step if I make these again.

I can't believe I only learned how to do these kinds cookies in February.  All those summers I had off from teaching without a child, I could have been learning and perfecting my cookies.  Oh well!  I'm having so much fun, and am always looking forward to my next challenge :) 

May 9, 2012

Balloons, Texas, and More Flowers!

Edit: If you already read this post and are wondering what happened to the first set of flowers and why the post name changed, I deleted them because I realized I had already posted about them.  Oops!!  All these late nights decorating cookies are taking my brain!  Ha!

I got to make some cookies for a friend to give as a "Thank You" to one of her daughter's teachers.  I was a little nervous about the writing part at first, because I don't have the best handwriting with a pen, and wasn't sure how well it would work with a piping bag.  But, I'm pretty proud of them for my first attempt.  I think cursive is easier with icing than print though.

These were for a friend who wanted some cookies to send to her son who is away at college in Michigan.  I've never shipped any before, so hopefully they arrive safely :)  I really love how these turned out too!

 She ordered some for herself and some to ship :)

I decided to go ahead and try to package them myself because I wanted to figure out a way to ship in case I need to do it myself in the future.  I cut up a piece of foam board, wrapped it in saran wrap then put the cookie on it and wrapped it all in saran.  I then placed them in alternating spots in the box and put bubble wrap between the layers.  It felt pretty secure in the box.  I also told my friend when she shipped it to put that box in a bigger box with some packing material to protect the cookies more should other boxes be placed on top of it, etc.  I hope to hear that they arrived successfully!!

And last, but not least, I got to make some LARGE daisy flowers for a friend that is in an organization with me.   One of the symbols is daisies and she was headed to the convention, so she wanted some treats to share.

These are about an inch in diameter larger than the other flowers.  Here's a comparison...

Oh, and have I mentioned they taste as good as they look ;-)  Yum!!  Anyway, I hope you enjoy looking at them and those of you that have ordered them, I hope you enjoy eating them as much as I enjoy making them :)  Thanks to you all!!!